Days gone by | Spes Mea Sailing Charter

Pictures of days gone by

Days gone by

Date: 20 August 2018

Client: OFYORE

Posted by: Klaas Bosch


Back in the days;


project image

Historical pictures of the Spes Mea.

The Spes Mea, a high seas’ tjalk from Groningen, commissioned by Jan Dost, was built at the shipyard Boerema in Martenshoek (near Hoogezand, Groningen) in 1902. She was launched as a sailing coaster with 91 GRT (gross registered tonne = 2,8 m3) and transported salt, wood, coal and cattle to England, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Germany. She sailed the Belts, the waters of the Baltic Sea, therefore she was called a Belt Navigator.