Rates & prices as of 2016

  in-season (May-September)  
Week (7 days) € 4595,-  
Shortweek (2 days) € 1595,- mon-fri
Shortweek (3 days) € 2095,- mon-fri
Shortweek (4 days) € 2550,- mon-fri
Midweek (5 days) € 2990,- mon-fri
Weekend € 2250,-  
Daytrip € 950,- (incl basic lunch)
Day extension € 695,-  
Advance overnight stay
(for any multiple day trip,
with the exception of
€ 300,-  
Meetings on board (not sailing): € 30,- p/h (boatrent)
Bookings for other rental periods are also possible; contact us to discuss options.
Off-season discount    
October through April -10%
Hotelship/floating hotel half november through half february in Groningen
  € 850,- per weekend (excl. catering)
  Weekend Longer periods
Duvet bedding p/p € 12,- € 14,-
Cleaning services (you could also opt to do yourself) € 85,-
Bier on tap  
Grolsch 20 l. € 66,-
  30 l. € 90,-

All of the above rates include docking fees, tourist taxes, fuel and VAT. They also cover the two crewmen, being the skipper and the mate.

This information is not legally binding.

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spes mea zeilcharter - jan timmerstraat 4 - 8821 lt  kimswerd - netherlands -  info@spesmea.nl - +31(651)550902